Equally Shared Parenting on NPR
Following in the wake of Lisa Belkin's NY Times Magazine story on ESP, we're happy to let you know we were guests on National Public Radio yesterday - on the Patt Morrison Show broadcasting in Southern California. Our colleagues Francine Deutsch from Mount Holyoke and Jessica DeGroot from ThirdPath Institute were also on the show, and equally shared parenting was well showcased. It was our first time on live radio and we had a blast!
If you're interested in listening to the segment, click over to Patt's show and listen from your computer or download a podcast to go. The segment is about a half hour in duration. Scroll down to her 6/23/08 show and click on the 'When Mom and Dad Share It All' title.
Tip: when you get to the commercial/news break, skip over the horrible news story they cover about an abused child; it made us queasy when we were forced to listen to it on hold.
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