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Equality Blog

Monday, June 02, 2008

Guys Buying Strollers

One of my closest friends, Bob, is quite a guy. That he's a new father who is at home with his 8-month old son at least three days a week is one thing - but that's hardly unique, right? No - the really cool thing about Bob is that he and his boy are featured in a local baby store commercial shopping for strollers. Yes, a commercial depicting a father shopping for a stroller with nary a mother in sight.

How many men do you think are granted such a responsibility in real life? Not many, I'd wager (although I hope that I can say differently someday). How many women take on this job without equally involving their partners? Probably most. Why is this? Because that's just how it's been.

But it doesn't have to be this way. You go, Bob!


Blogger chicago pop said...

Can we get a bootleg of that commercial up on YouTube?

Go Bob!

Yeah, mom got ahead of me on the stroller technology somehow -- but I had my way with the diapering, so in the end it's pretty much a "wash."

3:39 PM  

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