Our Growing RLS Family
Another ESP family has added their story to our Real Life Stories page - that's two new stories in one month! We are happy to introduce you to our latest ESP friends - Juli and Russel and their 18-month old son, B. They live in Los Angeles, where Juli is pursuing her PhD in Sociology and Russel works part-time as a web development consultant.
We are so appreciative of Juli and Russel's story as an example of how ESP can work when one partner is a full-time student. They know their current situation is temporary (really, this is true for all of us, right?), and are already planning ahead to tweak their sharing as Juli prepares to enter her first academic job and Russel rethinks his long-term career plans.
One of Juli's realizations along their parenting journey thus far has been that different isn't wrong. For them, sharing B's care with Russel taking the helm during the days and Juli taking over in the evenings works well - even if it isn't the 'normal' way families are structured. Thumbs up, Juli and Russel! And a warm welcome to the ESP Real Life Story family.
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